诗评 | 彼得·休斯 Peter Hughes,李玥 译本辑诗歌描述了风声和时令的变换。宁静的夏天过后,风又吹了回来,让我们想起了那些已然逝去和经久弥新的东西。在吴英文的诗作《玉米谣》中,我们读到,“通往外婆家的小径/已被芥草淹没”。于是我们急速意识到,外婆已不复人间,她的老屋子如今也已废弃。随着诗歌的延续,墨客瞥见“母亲”带着她的箩筐和马匹走来,分不清是现实还是影象中的场景。秋日来了,玉米的枯叶沙沙作响,响声穿过田地,超越山坡,一如既往。诗歌第二节的末端展现了一副俏丽的场景:

Corn Ballad
by Wu Yingwen
The sky has hidden its compassion
The earth listens to the chirping of cicadas
Corn waves in the mountains and fields
Behind the house
weeds have choked the path
that leads to grandma's home
When the sun was going down
in the dense forest
mother suddenly appeared
clutching her basket and chasing the horse
Under the setting sun, corn flourishes
Thousands of stems wave long green leaves
rustling throughout the mountains
chasing the golden autumn wind
Horses and boys ripple in the wind
gripping the ridge of the mountain
clutching the mane like roots clinging to time
Throughout autumn, the boy’s shadow haunts the woods
flickers, grows, my heart is drunk
but not on love. In this world
few women are really loved these days
The grandmother who sleeps out on the hillside
sometimes returns to the house in a dream
Golden corn kernels under the scorching sun
dry out slowly
Above the mountains, the sound of wind and clouds
sprout within the silent stones
游心泉、Peter Hughes 译
乃至连墨客的影象也变得去世气沉沉,没有残蝉联何关于爱或夏天的欢快。“影象冒出枯枝败叶……”仿佛变幻莫测的风已将墨客吹离了天下,吹离了自我:“我已阔别这个秋天晴朗的日子”。I haven’t heard the wind all summerto the air’s fading lighthearing nothing for a long timemy mouth bitter, my gaze shiftsas if part of me were withering Memories sprout dry leaves and branchesI don’t know where the wind has goneit has blown me into strangeness in this worldpart of me has followed itbut feel the overgrown weeds I’m distant from this sunny autumn day第三首诗来自罗铖的作品《相逢》。就像前诗所传达的那样,风的涌现与时令的变革脱不开关系。这一次,墨客描述的是春天。标题“相逢”见告我们,人们在经历了一段韶光的分别之后又重聚在了一起,但并未解释故事的主人公是谁。梦境和现实交织在一起,或许诗中的人们自早年次见面往后就发生了改变。在墨客看来:“在这里的可能是另一个你/措辞正在坠落—— ”。我们只知道春天又回来了,天空盛满了雨水,生活仍旧是一个谜团。中央段落,也便是诗歌的第二小节,生动地唤起了夜间的神秘和亲密感:
by Luo Cheng
In the early morning it’s still raining
A waterfall echoes the sound of spring
Responding to your breathing
I breathe in the morning glow
Pleasure comes from sudden late night rain
The wind rises and deep in your eyes
The breeze ascends moonlit Mengding Mountain
A silent abyss
Cool winds embrace the night
More clouds traverse the Qingyi River
You tell me you are pursued by someone in dream
Possibly another you is here
Words are falling —
illusions cannot be questioned, you turn around
Again the sky is filled with sloping rain
Springs and Lamplight
by Yao Hui
In the mountains there is nothing
But natural springs and the surging light
Shared by God and the winds
Someone approaches you
From a past engulfed in light
And the noise of extra natural springs
You may forget along the way
Are the springs always seeking out
Another source of light?
You want to drink from
An unknown well in the sky
Then fill a lamp
A lamp that emerges from dense clouds
Then disappears again
The four poems selected here are full of the sound of the wind and reflections of the changing seasons. The return of the wind after summer calm reminds us of that which has been lost, and that which endures. InWu Yingwen’s ‘Corn Ballad’ we read how ‘weeds have choked the path / that leads to grandma’s home’. So immediately we sense that grandma is no longer among the living and that her old house is now deserted. As the poem proceeds the speaker has a glimpse of ‘mother’, either in real life or in a memory of vision, with her basket and horse. It is autumn and the dying leaves of the corn rustle through the fields and over the mountain slopes as they have done for years. There is a beautiful vision at the end of stanza two:Horses and boys ripple in the wind
gripping the ridge of the mountain
clutching the mane like roots clinging to time
The winds of change threaten to topple the horses and riders who must cling on tightly – time is trying to sweep us from the surface of the earth and one day it will succeed. The poem ends with autumn, grandma sleeping out under the sky, corn drying, and a final landscape of wind, clouds and stones.‘The Sound of the Wind’ by Pang Pei is also an autumnal poem which begins with the wind reappearing at the end of summer. The speaker feels like a summer plant, fading as the season changes:…my arms grow cold
my mouth bitter, my gaze shifts
as if part of me were withering
Even the speaker’s memories have become lifeless, retaining nothing of the joys of love or summer. ‘Memories sprout dry leaves and branches…’ It’s as if the wind of change has blown the speaker away from the world and away from their self: ‘I’m distant from this sunny autumn day.’The third poem is ‘Reunion’ by Lou Cheng. As in the preceding poem, a wind arises and is associated with the changing season. This time it’s spring. The title, ‘Reunion’, tells us people are getting back together after an absence. But it is not clear who the protagonists might be. Dream worlds and reality come together and perhaps the people in the poem have changed since last they met. The speaker says, ‘Possibly another you is here / Words are falling - ’ All we know is that spring is here again, the sky is full of rain and life remains a mystery. The central passage, stanza two, is a lovely evocation of nocturnal mystery and intimacy:The wind rises and deep in your eyes
The breeze ascends moonlit Mengding Mountain
A silent abyss
Cool winds embrace the night
More clouds traverse the Qingyi River
In poem number four, Yao Hui’s ‘Springs and Lamplight’, the setting is again the mountains. This mysterious poem celebrates the sources of fresh water and light, observing spring water and sunlight embraced in a dance with the mountain winds. A stranger appears, their origins as mysterious as those of water and light. Are these phenomena always destined to seek each other out? The poem ends as the speaker and reader are imagined participating in the creation of new springs and new sources of light.You want to drink from
An unknown well in the sky
Then fill a lamp
A lamp that emerges from dense clouds
Then disappears again
国际诗歌评论人 | 彼得·休斯
墨客、创意写作西席,现任英国剑桥康河出版社资深文学编辑、剑桥徐志摩诗歌艺术节编委。2013年,他的诗歌选集与《对分外事物的直觉:彼得·休斯诗歌评论集》(‘An intuition of the particular’: some essays on the poetry of Peter Hughes)同时由Shearsman出版社出版。他根据意大利经典创作了《十分坦率》(Quite Frankly,Reality Street出版社)、《卡瓦尔康蒂》(Cavalcanty,Carcanet出版社)、《via Leopardi 21》(Equipage出版社)等浩瀚充满创意的作品,广受好评。彼得是剑桥大学英语系朱迪斯·威尔逊诗歌基金得到者、客座专家,剑桥大学莫德林学院在诗歌领域的客座院士。近期出版的作品包括:2019年的《柏林雾沫》(A Berlin Entrainment,Shearsman出版社)、2020年的《毕士大星座》(Bethesda Constellations,蛎鹬出版社)等。
翻译团队为剑桥康河诗社,它是英国剑桥康河出版社(Cam Rivers Publishing) 旗下的诗歌翻译与编辑团队,由英国国家学术院院士、剑桥大学社会人类学教授、剑桥徐志摩诗歌艺术节创始人艾伦·麦克法兰(Alan Macfarlane) 担当主席。团队由英国资深墨客与文学编辑彼得·休斯 (Peter Hughes)、露西·汉姆尔顿 (Lucy Hamilton),以及其他多位毕业于剑桥大学和其他有名高校的译者与学者组成。
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